Writing and maintaining a personal or business blog is easy in and of itself thanks to a variety of user-friendly platforms from Tumblr to WordPress, but making money from it is a different story. Many blogs, in fact most blogs, lack the capacity to generate profit. Maintaining fresh content and building an audience is vital to making significant profits from blogging. Without frequent update, a blogger will both reduce visitors and consequently, profit potential.

Below are several tips that new or old bloggers can use in order to generate revenue from their personal blog.

Advertising: Any blog that is interested in becoming profitable will naturally give itself over to advertising. Advertisers are particularly attracted to well-liked blogs within in a niche, which facilitates easily and inexpensively reaching a specific audience. There is also the possibility of equipping a blog with services like Google’s (GOOG) AdSense, which permits blog managers to select ads that make sense with the content featured on the blog and offers reimbursement based on the number of click throughs.

 Endorsements: Some of the more influential bloggers in fields from fashion to cooking are able to generate revenue through endorsements. Bloggers can be paid to develop a post around a new pair of shoes or plug a certain brand of pan. Featuring these items can pay handsomely, but this option is generally available only to bloggers with an established fan base and a well respected reputation.

Shill Items from Online Retailers: If your blog reviews consumer electronics, it’s possible to connect with an affiliate online retailer who has the item up for sale. Amazon (AMZN) and other e-tailers offer this program to bloggers.  While the click itself won’t earn the blogger dollars in most cases, an actual purchase will.

Use a Blog as an Advertising Platform for Yourself: Even though this would not be making money directly from a blog, having your blog advertise dually as a commercial for your services can often work wonders if you’re building up an audience. If your blog is about computer and IT work, you can offer yourself up as a freelancer. A fashion blogger who also works as a stylist, photographer or graphic designer could do the same.