Each year, the U.S. alone produces roughly 245 million tons of garbage, or approximately 4.5 pounds per person per day. This staggering statistic begs the question of where it all goes, and with the global population reaching 7 billion, where it will go in the future is another concern of mounting importance.

IBAgreen (PIEX) has devised waste management process that more effectively controls trash while meeting the growing demands of a rising population. As it stands now, the larger part of collected trash is sent to landfills where around 34 percent is recovered and recycled or composted.  54 percent is buried, often leading to leakages and other problems, while 12 percent is turned to energy through incineration. Incinerated waste is able to increase landfill capacity by shrinking the discard to around 10 percent of its original size.

Given the excess of trash and benefits of incineration, it would seem advantageous to eliminate all trash this way, but the byproduct of the process, Incinerated Bottom Ash (IBA), can be highly toxic and difficult to contain. Landfills and waste-to-energy plants struggle with how to handle the IBA and it’s often relegated to toxic waste dumps where they threaten to infiltrate the surrounding environment.

The Environmental Protection Agency has identified that around 85 percent of landfills are leaking, and that number is predicted to be 100 percent as capacity become unmanageable. The dangers this poses on the surrounding water supply and larger ecosystem are significant and a company that could help minimize them would be naturally in demand.

Recognizing the potential in this, IBAgreen (PIEX) developed a way to effectively address these issues; stop putting ash in the landfills. Instead, employing its patented proprietary process, IBA is able to use the toxic ash to manufacture commercially viable construction products like a superior alternative to Portland cement, fluidized thermal backfill for roads, and precast concrete products. The nanotechnology allows the concrete products to be manufactured in such a way that they are not permeable to water or moisture, which is the chief factor for deterioration of the nation’s infrastructure, such as roads, bridges and buildings.

This process would not only be a boon for environmental sustainability but it is also a profitable business strategy that permits IBAgreen to profit on either end. They are paid both for managing the mass amount of bottom ash but again for the products they are able to create from it.

Not only is this plan positive for the environment, but it’s a profitable business strategy that allows the company dual profit portals. IBA has the unique advantage of being able to collect revenue both for its waste management assistance and its commercially useful final products.