Imagine the precision of using state of the art technology for brain surgery was being applied to oral surgery in your mouth. Well, you don’t to have to imagine it because Dr. Justin Raanan, DDS, MMSc in Beverly Hills is at the cutting edge of the latest technology tools such as laser and CT scans that make oral surgery such as repairing gums as precise as brain surgery.

Having graduated from Harvard’s school of Dental Medicine, Dr Justin Raanan is a modern day Buckminster Fuller as he is an inventor and futurist in the field of dentistry. His recent Slit-window technique for graft-free sinus floor elevation is featured on the cover of the journal of Clinical Advances in Clinical Periodontology. This type of innovation reminds me of Buckminsiter Fuller’s geodesic dome which is also based on doing more with less.

Poor oral health has been debated as a possible cause of heart disease for many years. Research suggests that periodontitis is associated with an increased risk of developing heart disease and that people with chronic gum disease have increased thickness of their neck blood vessels. Studies have implicated the same bacteria that cause gum disease as a culprit in strokes and heart attacks. Gums are very vascular, meaning every time you brush your teeth, bacteria from your mouth can enter the bloodstream and cause inflammation.

So Dr Justin Raanan is not only at the forefront of preventive dentistry, but is helping save lives with his high tech high touch personalized care treatments. A healthy mouth leads to a healthy heart.

His passion for making a difference in the world is shown by his involvement with Homeless Not Toothless which gives homeless people back their smile. When that happens their self esteem returns. Dr. Raanan is also involved with helping inner city children get free dental care via Giving A Smile Foundation.

When technology is combined with a mission for health in one area of the body, (the mouth) the entire mind body and spirit are impacted positively. To learn more about how you can have state of the art technology used to keep your mouth healthy and get a movie star smile, contact Dr. Justin Raanan at

John Livesay, aka, The Pitch Whisperer, is a keynote speaker to brands and shares lessons learned from his award-winning sales career at Conde Nast. His keynote talk ‘”Getting To Yes -From Invisible To Irresistible” shows companies’ sales teams how to become irresistible so they are magnetic to their ideal clients. After John speaks, the sales team becomes revenue rockstars who form an emotional connection and a compelling brand story with clients. Listen to his TEDx talk: Be The Lifeguard of your own life which has over 1,000,000 views. He is also the Co-Founder CMO of QuantmRE which helps homeowners get cash for the equity in their home without taking on more debt by using the blockchain to create liquidity.

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