What Apple AAPL has planned for the evolution of the MacBook may surprise you. While there is no official comment from Apple on this, the writing seems to be on the wall. Let me explain what I see happening and where Apple may be going with the MacBook Pro and MacBook air, going forward.

We have all seen high-tech companies change strategy and morph, time and time again over the last several decades. The focus of each company is where they see growing going for them. When we consider every company, we must recognize while growth may come from one product or service, that growth also depends on an assortment of other products and services that all play together in one larger bundle of products or services.

That means every product or service that is part of this whirlwind must be taken seriously. Even if one product does not earn enough income to warrant staying in business as a stand-alone product. As part of a larger bundle it is still key to over-all company growth.

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This is how I operate my business for the last several decades. There are plenty of things I do that do not earn a dime of income. However, doing these things are necessary to the larger picture. They keep me front and center in the minds of the marketplace. That makes it easy for executives and companies to find me and work with me as a speaker or to share my thoughts with them directly as a consultant.

This is exactly how I see Apple and the MacBook. The computer is no longer directly responsible for Apple’s growth. However, as part of the larger bundle it is vital for them to keep this updated and relevant to users.

What MacBook Pro and MacBook Air Will Look like Several Years from Now

The MacBook Air will remain a user-based computer or laptop. I see Apple moving toward the iPad more and more over the next several years. Perhaps the MacBook Air will ultimately go away as a laptop and be replaced by the iPad with a click-on keypad. Some users will like this, but many prefer the laptop.

The MacBook Pro is different. While many users love this device as well, I see prices continuing to rise. This is the way for developers and high-powered business users to do what they do. The price of these units will continue to rise. Basic units are still affordable for the average user, but more powerful units can easily rise to many thousands of dollars.

Of course, if you or your company makes money with these devices, it’s just a business expense. Just a cost of doing business.

So, several years from now I see the average user with a MacBook Air or an iPad and the average business user or developer using a more expensive MacBook Pro or whatever they will call it by that time.

Don’t Expect Major MacBook Air Updates

With this said, I don’t expect to see regular, major updates to the MacBook Air. This may get minor tweaks here and there with the processor, memory and hard drive, but I really don’t expect to see a lot of innovation with this device going forward. The heavy lifting will be done with the MacBook Pro and a much higher price tag.

So, Apple will continue to grow and remain a strong company going forward. They will ultimately depend on the income generated from all their devices and services. There will be plenty of devices that are directly related to earning this income, but there will also be plenty that are just as important as part of the larger picture.

Even the devices that are not as directly related to earning this income will remain an important piece of the puzzle. So, just like I do plenty of work in areas where I do not directly earn income, they are still important to my overall success.

The same with Apple. The larger picture still has many parts and even though only some earn income. When we pull the camera back, we see all these separate parts of the bundle are important to Apple big picture success moving forward.

Jeff Kagan is an Equities.com columnist. Kagan is a Wireless Analyst, Telecom Analyst, Industry Analyst, speaker and consultant. He follows wireless, wire line, telecom, Internet, cable TV, IPTV, Cloud, Mobile Pay, FinTech and communications technology. Email him at [email protected]. His web site is www.jeffKAGAN.com. Follow him on Twitter @jeffkagan.