The hot topic in politics of late is “fake news”… like the media is the villain.

Sometimes they are. MSNBC obviously has a clear leaning towards the left, and Fox towards the right. That’s why I prefer to watch some CNN.

But I think the media generally does a good job of trying to find the truth, even if from a biased side. They ask hard questions and uncover scandals. A free press has always been a cornerstone of democracy, and should be allowed to do its job.

My biggest gripe isn’t with the media. Instead, it’s with special interests.

The media does everything and anything it can to create controversy and gripping news to satisfy the audience’s (our) need for drama. So, reporters and journalists, anchors and stations find the most bullish analyst and pit him/her against the most bearish… or they talk to the more conservative politician, then the more liberal.

They do this all day, every day. If they didn’t, they’d be out of business in a flash.

But the result is confusion. If you were to just listen to the media all day, you’d have all these conflicting arguments and no idea what to do with any of them!

Each special interest or company is just trying to promote their shtick. They’re not about the truth. Instead, they want to market themselves or their cause. They are the true culprits of fake news. They find selective facts to bolster their interests.

Worse, market analysts tend to pile into trends late and get out late. They’re the worst type of “talking heads” to listen to when it comes to investment advice.

Hey, I listen to the news daily to keep up on interesting articles and experts that I can bring to you in our newsletters. But I don’t believe what most of these people say, or take them at their word!

At Dent Research, we’re about the truth. We even piss off our own subscribers at times by saying things they don’t want to hear. That’s just tough. Like it or not, we’re not about sugarcoating or fake news.

We’re about the truth, and what you must do with the information and predictable cycles that most people ignore… as they don’t like the fact that the world is cyclical.

I have a hierarchy of proven long-term indicators that I use as my starting point in the hunt for the truth. Then I identify shorter-term indicators that can warn of key turning points – although that is, by nature, less forecastable.

For shorter-term trading systems – which are critical in these increasingly volatile markets, where buy-and-hold simply doesn’t work anymore – our experts like Adam O’Dell and Lance Gaitan have proven systems for profiting.

None of us base our forecasts and logic on the daily news or media drama, and certainly not public opinion, which is more often than not wrong.

If you’re looking for the truth, and then a way to profit from that information, keep reading Economy & Markets.